ready for some LGBTQIA+ history?

By Anissa Lozano, OkaySo Intern

First observed in 1994, October is LGBTQ History month! As we at OkaySo are a proudly queer founded and queer-led org we always want to uplift and center the strength and contributions of the LGBTQIA community! Similar to other histories, LGBTQIA history is often ignored in education and social media. More so, sex education curriculums often leave out queer folks and relationships entirely. In honor of LGBTQIA History month and to continue to create space for the LGBTQIA community, check out the link below for a little piece of history we did not learn in a classroom!

The Scope | Real History of Pride

Keep reading:

How do I come out?

How do I know if I’m gay?

Is it normal to question my sexuality?

Is non-binary and gender non-conforming the same thing?

How do I know if I’m asexual?


coming out day!


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