our experts. people you can trust.

our experts have a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. some are health educators, researchers, and teachers. others are smart folks who have been there and want to share their experiences. every expert is vetted by our staff to make sure you’re talking to people who want to help you get the support you need.

what is it like to be an expert?

transform lives from your phone.

Our experts all work in teams based on topics, so you’re never alone when you’re answering questions. Other experts can pick up where you left off, you can add to conversations, and you can learn from each other. We also hold regular expert hangouts so you can get to know other volunteers and learn from other experts. 


you’re never alone.

Volunteering with OkaySo allows you to transform the lives of young people from your phone. You choose when to answer questions, we only ask for 15 minutes per day. Most experts pop in and out of OkaySo, checking in while they’re waiting for a meeting to start, during a commercial break, or before falling asleep at night. We try to make it as easy as possible to help someone during the times of the day when we’re already pulling out our phones. 

how do i become an expert?

In order to be an expert, we ask that you have some type of training in issues like sexual health, healthy relationships, pleasure, or stress. Maybe you’re a college student in a peer health education program or you’re majoring in gender studies. Maybe you’ve worked in the field or you’re getting a masters degree. If you’re interested, please fill out this application to get started!

Interested in learning more? Check out this video:

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