what sex ed should be like

By Anissa Lozano, OkaySo Intern

Sex can be a stressful experience for many reasons (but doesn't have to be)!

Maybe we are not sure what to do or what is suppose to happen. It can be even more nerve- racking for those who DO have access to sex education but don't see themselves or their experience reflected in what is being taught.

In the U.S there are only 9 states that provide comprehensive sex education that is affirming and inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

At OkaySo, we believe every person deserves to have all the knowledge they need to make the best decisions for themselves. May is SexEd For All month, striving for educational curriculums that are informed and inclusive of all experiences!

Have question or want to talk? Download our app and connect with an expert today!

Keep reading:

Is it normal to question my sexuality?

How do I come out?

How do I know if I’m gay?

How do I know if I’m asexual?

Is non-binary and gender non-conforming the same thing?


to those that claim the powerhouse “L”